League Evaluation

Basketball - A League
Basketball - B League
Basketball - C League
Flag Football League
Volleyball League
League Evaluation
Picture Gallery

Please mail evaluations to: recreation@fayettecountyga.gov



  1. How did you find out about our league? Newspaper ____ Flyer____ Letter ____ Other ______
  2. Was the advertisement for league registration publicized in a timely manner? YES NO
  3. Was the registration process convenient? YES NO
  4. Was your team properly notified of and represented in the Managers meeting? YES NO
  5. Was the Managers meeting beneficial? YES NO
  6. Were league rules easy to understand and consistently enforced? YES NO
  7. Were game schedules easy to interpret? YES NO
  8. Did your games start on time? YES NO
  9. Were the officials on time, uniformed, and competent in calling the games? YES NO
  10. Did scorekeepers conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times? YES NO
  11. Was Rec staff professional in every aspect of conducting the league? YES NO
  12. Do you feel the facilities were suitable and in satisfactory condition? YES NO
  13. Does your team use the Rec Dept. web site to get league updates? YES NO
  14. How would you rate the league? POOR FAIR GOOD EXCELLENT

Additional comments? Please use the reverse side of this form to elaborate.

Date ____________________At your option you may identify:

Your Team Name _______________________ Your Name _______________________

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your comments will help us to improve our program and better serve you in the future.

Please return this form to the Recreation Dept. located in Kiwanis Park, fax to 770-460-1931, or mail to 140 W. Stonewall Avenue, Fayetteville, Ga. 30214.

Please list all comments and suggestions below